Brisket Full Packer. Bindaree. Australien
140,00 kr. pr. kg
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Denne vare er en frostvare og sendes til optøning. Du skal derfor spise den senest 3 dage efter modtagelse.
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Et kæmpe scoop!
Australsk Full Packer Brisket fra Bindaree. Kornfodret, marmoreret og smagfuld.
Og prisen er exceptionelt god!
Der er rigtig meget afpuds på en Full Packer Brisket. Vi yder ingen form for refusion ved afpuds
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Udskæring: Brisket Full Packer
Kornfodret oksekød.
Født i: Australien.
Opvokset i: Australien.
Slagtet i: Australien.
Udskæring: Brisket Full Packer
Kornfodret oksekød.
Født i: Australien.
Opvokset i: Australien.
Slagtet i: Australien.
Be hit by the big taste of Bindaree beef, sourced from premium Australian cattle producers and supported by the very best the Northern Tablelands has to offer.
Bindaree cattle are raised freely on pasture and finished to perfection from locally sourced wholegrain cereals grown in the famous Golden Triangle.
The cattle enjoy a balanced diet of grass and grain, developing beautiful beef with a distinguished, bold flavour that leaves you wanting more.
Being MSA Graded, ensures a high level of quality standards throughout the Bindaree beef journey, from the paddock to your plate.
Bindaree cattle are raised freely on pasture and finished to perfection from locally sourced wholegrain cereals grown in the famous Golden Triangle.
The cattle enjoy a balanced diet of grass and grain, developing beautiful beef with a distinguished, bold flavour that leaves you wanting more.
Being MSA Graded, ensures a high level of quality standards throughout the Bindaree beef journey, from the paddock to your plate.